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How Industrial Marketing Influences Buyers
How Industrial Marketing Influences Buyers Industrial marketing precedes industrial sales. That is the reality today. Today’s industrial buyers have flipped that sales and marketing paradigm upside down. Even though the industrial buy cycle has not changed, buyers go through their buying journey very differently now. They prefer to operate in a self-serve and self-select mode […]
Industrial Content Marketing’s Role in Sales
Industrial Content Marketing’s Role in Sales Here’s a reality check—only 18% of those manufacturing marketers reported that their content marketing was effective in accomplishing their overall marketing objectives. That, by the way is lower than the 26% in 2015 and 30% in 2014. So the effectiveness has been trending down over the past three years. […]
Why Manufacturers Need a Multichannel Industrial Marketing Strategy
Why Manufacturers Need a Multichannel Industrial Marketing Strategy Multichannel industrial marketing strategy doesn’t get that much attention or buzz. It should, because it is a closer reflection of how manufacturing and engineering companies are marketing these days. It’s a fact that in 2016, manufacturers and industrial companies are spending more of their marketing dollars on […]